
Table of Contents

Known Issues:

Please note that the table transitions work best in Firefox 3.6+, Opera 10+ and IE 9+. Webkit-based browsers (Chrome, Safari) adds space between rows.

To get rid of the extra spaces, please reference the FAQ

As of Version 2.7, the extra spaces are no longer present. The fix was automatically applied.


This plugin is designed for Joomla 1.5, 1.7, 2.5 and 3.0. To install go to the install/uninstall extensions page of Joomla Administrator and upload the package file. Then go to the Plugin Manager page and activate the plugin.


To use this plugin as content in an article, first enable the plugin and configure the default parameters in the Plugin Manager. To control which types of users have access to this plugin, set the Access Level in the plugin.

Secondly, in the article, type {easyfolderlistingpro}. (If you choose to copy/paste this phrase, please be sure to Toggle Source Code in your Joomla editor to avoid issues with unwanted formatting characters.) It will work based on the default parameters if typed with no custom parameters.

To have multiple listings on the same page, just add each instance according to the following format:

{easyfolderlistingpro parameter='value' parameter='value' ... parameter='value'}

for each instance you want. Please note that each instance should have something different about their listed parameters. The order in which the parameters are listed does not matter. The list of possible parameters can be found in the table below.

Example of list listing:

{easyfolderlistingpro method='list' extensions='1' folder='images' easing='linear' sortcolumn='size'}


NameKeywordDefault ValueDescription
Location of the Listing Folderfolderimages/storiesThis is the actual folder where the files are kept.
Max Subfolder Levellevel3This is the maximum subfolder level that we are going to give access to.
Show SubfolderssubfoldersYes (1)If this option is set to Yes, all subfolders will be listed.
Enable Username SubfoldersuserfoldersNo (0)When enabled, files are listed from username folders inside the listing folder.
Guest Folder Nameguestfolder__guestThis is the name of the folder where the files for guest users are kept.
UTF-8 Options
Force encode UTF-8** NO KEYWORD **NoneIf your non-English filenames are not showing correctly, choose one of these methods to correct it. Default is set to none. This parameter can *ONLY* be specified in the Plugins Manager.
Source Encoding** NO KEYWORD **ISO-8859-1Character Encoding of the filename text taken from the server file system. This parameter can *ONLY* be specified in the Plugins Manager.
Reset Header Charset to UTF-8** NO KEYWORD **No (0)If this option is set to Yes, the charset value in the php header be be reset to UTF-8. This parameter can *ONLY* be specified in the Plugins Manager.
Add UTF-8 Meta Tag** NO KEYWORD **No (0)If this option is set to Yes, a META tag will be added to the webpaage to set charset to UTF-8. This parameter can *ONLY* be specified in the Plugins Manager.
Mootools Compatibility** NO KEYWORD **Automatically DetectSpecify which Mootools minimum version to maintain compatibility with. This parameter can *ONLY* be specified in the Plugins Manager.
Collapse SubfolderscollapseYes (1)If this option is set to Yes, all subfolders will be collapsed. If set to No, all subfolders will be expanded.
Transition EasingeasingSine In and Out (sine:in:out)This specifies the type of easing that the transition will use. The other options include: linear, quad:in:out, cubic:in:out, quart:in:out, quint:in:out, circ:in:out, and pow:in:out.
Transition DurationdurationnormalThis specifies the speed at which subfolder contents transitions to and from being viewed. Other options are short and long.
Customize Content
Show IconsiconsYes (1)If this option is set to Yes, each file will have an icon to describe the type of the file.
Show File ExtensionsextensionsNo (0)If this option is set to No, each file name will be displayed without the file extension.
Filename TextfiletextFilenameThis is the header text for the file column.
Size TextsizetextSizeThis is the header text for the size column.
Date TextdatetextDateThis is the header text for the date column.
Show File SizesizeYes (1)If this option is set to Yes, the size of the file will be shown.
Show DatedateYes (1)If this option is set to Yes, the date that each file was modified will be shown.
Show Time (with the Date above)timeYes (1)If this option is set to Yes, the time stamp that each file was modified will be shown. If it is set to No, then only the Date will be shown. Note that if Date (above) is not shown at all, then time will not show either.
Date FormatdateformatY-m-dThe format for the date only column. For help go to:
DateTime FormattimeformatY-m-d H:i:sThe format for the date and time format. For help go to:
Link To FileslinktofilesYes (1)If this option is set to Yes, each file will be hyperlinked for easy downloading.
Link Targettarget_blankThis specifies the link taget when you Link To Files (above). Other options are _parent, _self, and _top.
Download TargetdownloadiconThis specifies whether to allow users to download files. You can add a download icon (icon). Or, you can make them download by clicking the linked filename (link). Or you can disable it (none).
Preview TargetpreviewiconThis specifies whether to allow users to preview files using Google Doc Viewer. You can add a preview icon (icon). Or, you can make them preview by clicking the linked filename (link). Or you can disable it (none).
Preview Modal Widthmodalwidth640This sets the width of the modal window that previews the file in Google Docs Viewer.
Preview Modal Heightmodalheight480This sets the height of the modal window that previews the file in Google Docs Viewer.
Show Empty MessageshowemptyYes (1)If this option is set to Yes, the empty folder message below will be shown. If set to No, the empty folder message will not be shown.
Empty Folder MessageemptyThere are no files to list.This is the message that will be displayed if a folder is empty.
Show Filter TextboxshowfilterYes (1)If this option is set to Yes, the a filter textbox will be shown. If set to No, the filter textbox will not be shown.
Filter LabelfilterlabelFilterThis is the label that will be shown preceding the textbox.
Filter Error MessagefiltererrorFile not found!This is the error message that will be displayed if a filter text is not found in the listing.
Delay after typing (ms)filterwait500This is the time delay (in milliseconds) after the user stops typing in the filter textbox before the filter is applied.
Cancel Filter with ESCescfilterYes (1)When set to Yes, the user can cancel the filter by pressing the ESCAPE key in addition to clicking the cancel button.If this option is set to Yes, all subfolders will be listed.
Forbidden file types (separate by semi-colon)forbiddenhtm;html;phpThis is a black list of the file types that are forbidden to be listed (separated by semi-colon).
Permitted file types (separate by semi-colon)whitelist*This is a white list of the only file types that are to be listed (separated by semi-colon). Use '*' to list any file type that is not forbidden above. This allows you to only list certain types of files from a folder with many different types.
Excluded Files (separate by semi-colon)exfilesDesktop.ini; .@__thumb; .DS_StoreThis is a black list of the files that are to be excluded from the listing (separated by semi-colon).
Excluded Folders (separate by semi-colon)exfolders.svn; CVS; .AppleDB; .AppleDesktop; .AppleDoubleThis is a black list of the folders that should be excluded from the listing (separated by semi-colon).
Customize Display
Display MethodmethodtableIf Table is selected, the folder listing will be displayed in an HTML TABLE. If List is selected, it will be displayed using the Unordered List element. Other option is list.
Show Collapse / Expand AllshowcollapseexpandYes (1)This displays the option to expand or collapse all of the rows in the listing.
Collapse TextcollapsetextCollapse AllSpecify the text you would like to display to indicate the action to Collapse All of the rows.
Expand TextexpandtextExpand AllSpecify the text you would like to display to indicate the action to Expand All of the rows.
List Item Bullet StyleliststylenoneThis specifies the style of the list item bullet. Other options are disc, circle, square, decimal, decimal-leading-zero, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-greek, lower-latin, upper-latin, armenian, georgian, lower-alpha, and upper-alpha. This can be overridden in the styles.css stylesheet.
Ratio of Column Widthsratio4:2:2.5This is the ratio of each of the column's width to one another. There are three columns in the following order, Filename:Size:Date
Sort ColumnsortcolumnnameThis specifies the column that the list is sorted by. Other options are size and date.
Sort DirectionsortdirectionascThis specifies whether we are sorting by ascending or descending order. Other option is desc.
Odd Table Row Background Coloroddcolor#F0F0F6The background color of the odd table row.
Even Table Row Background Colorevencolor#FFFFFFThe background color of the even table row.
Heading Row Background Colorheadcolor#E6EEEEThe background color of the heading row.
Sub Folder Background Colorsubcolor#EFEFEFThe background color of the table's subfolder rows.
Border Colorbordercolor#CDCDCDThe color of the table's border.
Hidden Parameters
Offsetoffset0This is an integer to offset the number designation of the listing. Thus, if you want to show multiple articles that each have a listing, you can offset the listing ids so that they will not conflict.

About Us

Valor Apps is a registered business that is owned and operated by Michael Gilkes. The business is located and registered in Antigua and Barbuda.

We specialize in developing software for Joomla Content Management System (Joomla CMS), custom web apps, and custom desktop applications. We also provide computer support services to businesses located in Antigua.

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