Easy Folder Listing Pro
Compare Listing Extensions
We offer multiple products that list files and allow downloading. Each has its own feature set, with similarities and differences. To better understand which product will best suit your needs, please review the comparison table below:
Feature Easy Folder Listing v2.8 Easy Folder Listing Pro v3.2 Advanced Folder Listing v1.6 Full Compatibility Extension Type Displays Files Displays Subfolders Automatic Sync (File Discovery) 1 Displays as Unordered List Displays as HTML Table Displays as Paginated Table Displays in Explorer View Hides Actual File Location Displays File Name, Size, and Date Allows Custom Text and Images Allows File Preview (Using Google Docs Viewer) On-Screen File Filter/Search 2
Multi-file Download as Archive (Zip, tar.gz) Time Limited Download links Companion Editor-Extender plugin Price Free USD $20.00 USD $20.00 Download Buy Buy - AFL uses Manual Sync, where the Administrator needs to click the "Sync" icon in the Files Manager. This will detect all the new files placed in the listing path.
- Uses full AJAX search.
Easy Folder Listing Pro 3+ Documentation
It is important to note that all the documentation you need comes with the extension. It is built into the extension itself, and is very easy to access. Currently, the documentation is only available in English. The explanation provided here shows you how to easily access the documentation that is available in the extension.
Dashboard Help
The first location to find documenation is found on the extension Dashboard. You can access this from the Components menu.
On the Dashboard, you will see the Help tab. In the Help tab, you will find an easy to use accordian that contains four sections:
- Basic Documentation
- Gives the introductions and basics on how to use the extension and how it works.
- Attribute Override List
- Lists every field available in the Profiles, and explain what they are. It also gives you the relevant attribute key to use inline in the shorcode, which will override what is set in the profile.
- Common Solutions
- A built-in Frequently Asked Questions that answer most of the common questions that users have asked.
- Support Information
- Lists the ways you may contact me for further assistance.
Help Files
This component comes pre-packaged with an extensive set of help files. The documentation is not located online at present. Each view of the component that can be accessed from the Administration has a help icon located in the top right hand corner of the screen. Just click on the help icon and the documentation for that view will be displayed. Look for the following icons:
- Joomla 2.5:
- Joomla 3.0+:
Easy Folder Listing Pro Companion Code Helper Plugin
The Code Helper Plugin is a companion plugin to the Easy Folder Listing Pro version 3.0 extension. It works in conjuction with the component and content plugin that both make up the extension. It is a convenience plugin that facilitates ease of use in the creation of the Easy Folder Listing Pro shortcode. This documentation provides the user with an explanation of hwo to enable and use the code helper plugin.
Code Helper Notice
When you go to the Easy Folder Listing Pro Dashboard, you may see a notice that informs you of the status of all companion extensions. If you see a notice for the Code Helper, then you will need to enable it in the Plugins Manager.
Enable in Plugins Manager
- Navigate to the Plugin Manager
- Filter the view to display 'editor-xtd' plugins
- Click on the 'Enable Plugin' button for 'Easy Folder Listing Pro Companion Code Helper Plugin'
- The 'Enable Plugin' button will change from a red cross to a green check.
Code Helper Button
- Go to the Article Manager and create or edit an article
- You will now notice at the bottom of the article editor that there is an 'Easy Listing' button
Code Helper Dialog
- After clicking the 'Easy Listing' button, the code helper dialog will appear in a modal pop-up
- You can select the Profile you wish to use as the default settings for the listing
- Every other override option is disabled by default. If you want to specify a particular option that may be different from what it in the profile, you can enable it by selecting its checkbox.
- After you select that option, you may specify its override option value.
- Click 'Insert' to generate the custom shortcode and place it in the cursor's position in the article
- Select 'Select All' To enable all the options. Please note that this is not necessary unless you intend to have a custom value for each of the 64+ options. It is just present as a convenience.
- To close the dialog without inserting the shortcode, just click the 'x' icon in the top right had corner of the modal.
Shortcode Insertion
The generated shortcode will be inserted into the article, based on your selections. You may edited this shortcode directly, or delete it and create a new one, as needed.
Easy Folder Listing Pro Companion Content Plugin
The Easy Folder Listing Pro 3.0 Companion Content plugin is the heart of the extension. Without this content plugin, no listings will be rendered. It is needed to display all listings, and it even needed for the conpanion module to work.
In previous versions, all the parameters were configured in the plugin. However, as of version 3.0, all the options are configured in the component administration. As such, most of the documentation regarding configuring the extension is accessed via the help icons in the component views.
Content Plugin Notice
When you go to the Easy Folder Listing Pro Dashboard, you may see a notice that informs you of the status of all companion extensions. If you see a notice for the Content Plugin, then you will need to enable it in the Plugins Manager.
Enable in Plugins Manager
- Navigate to the Plugin Manager
- Filter the view to display 'listing' plugins
- Click on the 'Enable Plugin' button for 'Easy Folder Listing Pro Companion Content Plugin'
- The 'Enable Plugin' button will change from a red cross to a green check.
Configure Profile
- Once enabled, click on the plugin name in the Plugin Manager to go to its properties
- Different from previous versions of the plugin, there are only 2 parameters here.
- The first parameter gives the option to choose the profile to be used as the base for all listings. After initial installation, only the 'Default' profile will be displayed. However, as you create more profiles, these will become available to choose from in the drop down list.
- Second is a link that goes directly to the component Dashboard. From the Dashboard you can go to Profiles and create new profiles. If you ever need assistance in understanding profiles, just click on the 'Help' icon avaiable in that view.
- Please Note: All the functionality and options for the extension are located and configured in the profiles.
Easy Folder Listing Pro Companion Module
The Easy Folder Listing Pro 3.0 Companion Module is a convenience extension that uses the Companion Content Plugin to display listings in module positions. Please note that without the content plugin, no listings will be rendered. All the options for the listing are configured in the component administration, and you only need to configure module only options in the Module Manager. As such, most of the documentation regarding configuring the listings is accessed via the help icons in the component views.
Please note that if you want to display a listing in the article body, do not use the Companion Module with the Joomla built-in Load Position plugin. Instead, use the Easy Folder Listing Pro Content Plugin directly.
Module Notice
When you go to the Easy Folder Listing Pro Dashboard, you may see a notice that informs you of the status of all companion extensions. If you see a notice for the Module, then you will need to enable it in the Extensions Manager.
Enable in Extensions Manager
- Navigate to the Extensions Manager
- Click on 'Manage' in the sub-menu
- Search the list of extensions by typing 'listing' in the search field
- Click on the 'Enable Plugin' button for 'Easy Folder Listing Pro Companion Module'
- The 'Enable Plugin' button will change from a red cross to a green check.
Create a Module Instance
- Go to the 'Module Manager'
- Click on 'New' to create a new module instance of Easy Folder Listing Pro Companion Module
- Click on 'Easy Folder Listing Pro Companion Module' from the list
Configure the Module Instance
- Once selected, give the module instance a descriptive name
- Specify the position that the module will be placed
- The Profile parameter gives the option to choose the profile to be used as the base for all listings. After initial installation, only the 'Default' profile will be displayed. However, as you create more profiles, these will become available to choose from in the drop down list.
- Configure Features is a link that goes directly to the component Dashboard. From the Dashboard you can go to Profiles and create new profiles. If you ever need assistance in understanding profiles, just click on the 'Help' icon avaiable in that view.
- Please Note: All the functionality and options for the extension are located and configured in the profiles.
- Lastly, please remember to specify the desired Menu Assignment for the module
Easy Folder Listing Pro v2.8.5 Documentation
Table of Contents
Known Issues:
Please note that the table transitions work best in Firefox 3.6+, Opera 10+ and IE 9+. Webkit-based browsers (Chrome, Safari) adds space between rows.
To get rid of the extra spaces, please reference the FAQ
As of Version 2.7, the extra spaces are no longer present. The fix was automatically applied.
This plugin is designed for Joomla 1.5, 1.7, 2.5 and 3.0. To install go to the install/uninstall extensions page of Joomla Administrator and upload the package file. Then go to the Plugin Manager page and activate the plugin.
To use this plugin as content in an article, first enable the plugin and configure the default parameters in the Plugin Manager. To control which types of users have access to this plugin, set the Access Level in the plugin.
Secondly, in the article, type {easyfolderlistingpro}. (If you choose to copy/paste this phrase, please be sure to Toggle Source Code in your Joomla editor to avoid issues with unwanted formatting characters.) It will work based on the default parameters if typed with no custom parameters.
To have multiple listings on the same page, just add each instance according to the following format:
{easyfolderlistingpro parameter='value' parameter='value'... parameter='value'}
for each instance you want. Please note that each instance should have something different about their listed parameters. The order in which the parameters are listed does not matter. The list of possible parameters can be found in the table below.Example of list listing:
{easyfolderlistingpro method='list' extensions='1' folder='images' easing='linear' sortcolumn='size'}
Name Keyword Default Value Description Location of the Listing Folder folder images/stories This is the actual folder where the files are kept. Max Subfolder Level level 3 This is the maximum subfolder level that we are going to give access to. Show Subfolders subfolders Yes (1) If this option is set to Yes, all subfolders will be listed. Enable Username Subfolders userfolders No (0) When enabled, files are listed from username folders inside the listing folder. Guest Folder Name guestfolder __guest This is the name of the folder where the files for guest users are kept. UTF-8 Options Force encode UTF-8 ** NO KEYWORD ** None If your non-English filenames are not showing correctly, choose one of these methods to correct it. Default is set to none. This parameter can *ONLY* be specified in the Plugins Manager. Source Encoding ** NO KEYWORD ** ISO-8859-1 Character Encoding of the filename text taken from the server file system. This parameter can *ONLY* be specified in the Plugins Manager. Reset Header Charset to UTF-8 ** NO KEYWORD ** No (0) If this option is set to Yes, the charset value in the php header be be reset to UTF-8. This parameter can *ONLY* be specified in the Plugins Manager. Add UTF-8 Meta Tag ** NO KEYWORD ** No (0) If this option is set to Yes, a META tag will be added to the webpaage to set charset to UTF-8. This parameter can *ONLY* be specified in the Plugins Manager. Mootools Mootools Compatibility ** NO KEYWORD ** Automatically Detect Specify which Mootools minimum version to maintain compatibility with. This parameter can *ONLY* be specified in the Plugins Manager. Collapse Subfolders collapse Yes (1) If this option is set to Yes, all subfolders will be collapsed. If set to No, all subfolders will be expanded. Transition Easing easing Sine In and Out (sine:in:out) This specifies the type of easing that the transition will use. The other options include: linear, quad:in:out, cubic:in:out, quart:in:out, quint:in:out, circ:in:out, and pow:in:out. Transition Duration duration normal This specifies the speed at which subfolder contents transitions to and from being viewed. Other options are short and long. Customize Content Show Icons icons Yes (1) If this option is set to Yes, each file will have an icon to describe the type of the file. Show File Extensions extensions No (0) If this option is set to No, each file name will be displayed without the file extension. Filename Text filetext Filename This is the header text for the file column. Size Text sizetext Size This is the header text for the size column. Date Text datetext Date This is the header text for the date column. Show File Size size Yes (1) If this option is set to Yes, the size of the file will be shown. Show Date date Yes (1) If this option is set to Yes, the date that each file was modified will be shown. Show Time (with the Date above) time Yes (1) If this option is set to Yes, the time stamp that each file was modified will be shown. If it is set to No, then only the Date will be shown. Note that if Date (above) is not shown at all, then time will not show either. Date Format dateformat Y-m-d The format for the date only column. For help go to: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php DateTime Format timeformat Y-m-d H:i:s The format for the date and time format. For help go to: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php Link To Files linktofiles Yes (1) If this option is set to Yes, each file will be hyperlinked for easy downloading. Link Target target _blank This specifies the link taget when you Link To Files (above). Other options are _parent, _self, and _top. Download Target download icon This specifies whether to allow users to download files. You can add a download icon (icon). Or, you can make them download by clicking the linked filename (link). Or you can disable it (none). Preview Target preview icon This specifies whether to allow users to preview files using Google Doc Viewer. You can add a preview icon (icon). Or, you can make them preview by clicking the linked filename (link). Or you can disable it (none). Preview Modal Width modalwidth 640 This sets the width of the modal window that previews the file in Google Docs Viewer. Preview Modal Height modalheight 480 This sets the height of the modal window that previews the file in Google Docs Viewer. Show Empty Message showempty Yes (1) If this option is set to Yes, the empty folder message below will be shown. If set to No, the empty folder message will not be shown. Empty Folder Message empty There are no files to list. This is the message that will be displayed if a folder is empty. Filtering/Searching Show Filter Textbox showfilter Yes (1) If this option is set to Yes, the a filter textbox will be shown. If set to No, the filter textbox will not be shown. Filter Label filterlabel Filter This is the label that will be shown preceding the textbox. Filter Error Message filtererror File not found! This is the error message that will be displayed if a filter text is not found in the listing. Delay after typing (ms) filterwait 500 This is the time delay (in milliseconds) after the user stops typing in the filter textbox before the filter is applied. Cancel Filter with ESC escfilter Yes (1) When set to Yes, the user can cancel the filter by pressing the ESCAPE key in addition to clicking the cancel button.If this option is set to Yes, all subfolders will be listed. Security Forbidden file types (separate by semi-colon) forbidden htm;html;php This is a black list of the file types that are forbidden to be listed (separated by semi-colon). Permitted file types (separate by semi-colon) whitelist * This is a white list of the only file types that are to be listed (separated by semi-colon). Use '*' to list any file type that is not forbidden above. This allows you to only list certain types of files from a folder with many different types. Excluded Files (separate by semi-colon) exfiles Desktop.ini; .@__thumb; .DS_Store This is a black list of the files that are to be excluded from the listing (separated by semi-colon). Excluded Folders (separate by semi-colon) exfolders .svn; CVS; .AppleDB; .AppleDesktop; .AppleDouble This is a black list of the folders that should be excluded from the listing (separated by semi-colon). Customize Display Display Method method table If Table is selected, the folder listing will be displayed in an HTML TABLE. If List is selected, it will be displayed using the Unordered List element. Other option is list. Show Collapse / Expand All showcollapseexpand Yes (1) This displays the option to expand or collapse all of the rows in the listing. Collapse Text collapsetext Collapse All Specify the text you would like to display to indicate the action to Collapse All of the rows. Expand Text expandtext Expand All Specify the text you would like to display to indicate the action to Expand All of the rows. List Item Bullet Style liststyle none This specifies the style of the list item bullet. Other options are disc, circle, square, decimal, decimal-leading-zero, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-greek, lower-latin, upper-latin, armenian, georgian, lower-alpha, and upper-alpha. This can be overridden in the styles.css stylesheet. Ratio of Column Widths ratio 4:2:2.5 This is the ratio of each of the column's width to one another. There are three columns in the following order, Filename:Size:Date Sort Column sortcolumn name This specifies the column that the list is sorted by. Other options are size and date. Sort Direction sortdirection asc This specifies whether we are sorting by ascending or descending order. Other option is desc. Odd Table Row Background Color oddcolor #F0F0F6 The background color of the odd table row. Even Table Row Background Color evencolor #FFFFFF The background color of the even table row. Heading Row Background Color headcolor #E6EEEE The background color of the heading row. Sub Folder Background Color subcolor #EFEFEF The background color of the table's subfolder rows. Border Color bordercolor #CDCDCD The color of the table's border. Hidden Parameters Offset offset 0 This is an integer to offset the number designation of the listing. Thus, if you want to show multiple articles that each have a listing, you can offset the listing ids so that they will not conflict.