Welcome to Valor Apps!
Thanks for visiting the NEW Valor Apps website! This is a new site that is launched for 2012. This website will act as my new business website, where you will find access to all the software that I develop and sell.
Most of you are well acquainted with my blog site (michaelgilkes.info). Previously, all my software was available there, but although I am keep my blog alive and available, I decided to seaparate my digital store from my blog so that I could better serve new and existing customers!
One of the major differences with the new site, is that the software will be available from the site itself in your secure account for 30 days. So, you no longer need to get an email with a download link.
I hope you enjoy the new site. You can contact me via the contact page link at the bottom of any page on the website.
Happy New Year to one and all!